Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)

It is an independent organization for certificating and proving the security of products or equipments, leader in the test and certification of products concerning to their security. UL is one of the most recognized and distinguished assessors worldwide.

UL trademark means the product has been proved concerning security requirements for its normal function; that we adequately passed the UL periodic control inspections (every three months) and that annually UL analyzes some of the printed circuits boards we manufacture to check the initial requirements are still being carried out.

UL trademarks approved for the printed circuits boards manufactured by Lab Circuits:

To evidence the approval of the product regarding the UL standards below:

  • UL 94 Plastic Materials Flammability Test for Parts in Devices and Appliances
    V-O: Self extinction in <10s
  • UL 746 Polymeric Material Safety Standards

Lab Circuits UL Certificate