
Features manufacture double-side and General tolerances

We classify the circuit difficulty in accordance with the next parameters:


Dimensional characteristics of the different elements that form the image of the printed circuit board.


Copper ring between de hole and the pad. This parameter determinates the alignment difficulty between the hole and the printed circuit board image.


Tolerance level of the different proceedings and materials.

The sum of these three items will define the manufacture difficulty and therefore the price of the printed circuit board.


Minimum plated through hole diameter 0,50 mm 0,30 mm 0,30 mm 0,20 mm 0,15 mm
Minimum non plated through hole diameter 0,60 mm 0,40 mm 0,40 mm 0,30 mm 0,25 mm
Aspect / Ratio 5 5 6 8 13
thickness 2 mm)
Minimum trace / spacing width (base copper thickness) 0,300 mm (17 µ)
0,300 mm (35 µ)
0,350 mm (70 µ)
0,350mm (105µ)
0,200 mm (17 µ)
0,200 mm (35 µ)
0,250 mm (70 µ)
0,300mm (105µ)
0,150 mm (17 µ)
0,150 mm (35 µ)
0,200 mm (70 µ)
0,250 mm (105 µ)
0,125 mm (17 µ)
0,150 mm (35 µ)
0,175 mm (70 µ)
0,200 mm (105 µ)
0,100 mm (17 µ)
Minimum annular ring
0.22 mm 0.17 mm 0.13mm 0.10mm 0.075 mm

Last update: 28-04-2023
Units: Milimeters

Minimum plated through hole diameter Minimum plated through hole diameter 20 mil 12 mil 12 mil 8 mil 6 mil
Minimum non plated through hole diameter Minimum non plated through hole diameter 24 mil 16 mil 16 mil 12 mil 10 mil
Aspect / Ratio Aspect/Ratio 5 5 6 8 13 (maximum
thickness 2 mm)
Minimum trace / spacing width (base copper thickness) Minimum trace/spacing width 12 mil (½ oz)
12 mil (1 oz )
14 mil (2 oz )
14 mil (3 oz )
8 mil (½ oz )
8 mil (1 oz )
10 mil (2 oz )
12 mil (3 oz )
6 mil (½ oz)
6 mil (1 oz )
8 mil (2 oz )
10 mil (3 oz )
5 mil (½ oz)
6 mil (1 oz )
7 mil (2 oz )
8 mil (3 oz )
4 mil (½ oz )

Minimum annular ring
Minimum annular ring
9 mil 7 mil 5 mil 4 mil 3 mils

Last update: 28-04-2023
Units: Mils


Trace / spacing width
(thickness copper foil)
±25% (35-70 µm)
±20% (17 µm )
±15% (35-70 µm)
±10% (17 µm)
Plated hole diameter +0,10 mm / -0,05 mm
(or equivalent)
+0,10 mm / -0,0 mm
(or equivalent)
Non plated hole diameter +0,10 mm / -0,0 mm
(or equivalent)
±0,035 mm
(or equivalent)
Castellated plated holes Total thickness circuit.....................>= 0,5 mm
Cross annular ring.......... detall - A >= 0,5 mm
Minimum diameter..........detall - B >= 0,5 mm
Longitudinal annular...... detall - C >= 0,15 mm
Annular separation.........detall - D >= 0,15 mm
Edge separation..............detall - E >= 2 mm
Scoring to copper clearance Min. 1,0 mm. Min. 0,75 mm.
Scoring positioning ±0,10 mm ±0,075 mm
Scoring remaining thickness ±0,15 mm
±0,075 mm
Board size ± 0,15 mm.
± 0,10 mm.
Total thickness tolerance ±10 % ±5 %
Finished plated hole copper thickness Average: 25 µm
Minim: 20 µm
Average: 35 µm
Mínim: 30 µm
Mínimum wall between same net plated through holes 0.30 mm 0.25 mm
Minimum wall between different net plated through holes 0,40 mm. 0,35 mm.
Minimum wall between non plated through holes 0,25 mm. 0,20 mm.
Minimum annular ring non plated hole 0,25 mm
0,20 mm
Track to non plated through hole minimum spacing 0,20 mm
0,15 mm
Track to board edge minimum spacing 0,20 mm
0,15 mm
Offset between board edge and drill Max. 0,15 mm.
Max. 0,10 mm.
Drill to pad misalingnement Max. 0,10 mm.
Max. 0,075 mm.
Soldermask feature tolerance Max. 0,15 mm. Max. 0,075 mm.
Soldermask min Dam size on fiber SOLDERMASK GREEN COLOR
Damm 70µm if final copper thickness is 17÷54µm.
Damm 85µm if final copper thickness is 55÷85µm.
Damm 105µm if final copper thickness is 86÷155µm.
Damm 110µm if final copper thickness is 17÷54µm.
Damm 110µm if final copper thickness is 55÷85µm.
Other final copper thickness > 85µm, to consult.
Damm 80µm if final copper thickness is 17÷54µm.
Damm 95µm if final copper thickness is 55÷85µm.
Damm 105µm if final copper thickness is 86÷155µm.
Photoimageable soldermask clearance 0,07 mm
0.06 mm
Silkscreened soldermask clearance 0,20 mm
0,15 mm
Legend minimum line 0,125 mm
0,10 mm
Conductive ink (graphite) overlapping 0,20 mm
0,125 mm
Conductive ink (graphite) spacing 0,50 mm 0,40 mm
Conductive ink to pad spacing 0,40 mm 0,30 mm
Peel-off mask overlapping 0.8 mm
0,50 mm
Peel-off mask to pad spacing 1 mm 0,70 mm
Peel-off mask to board
edge spacing
1 mm 0,70 mm
Maximum peel-off mask filled hole 1.8 mm 2 mm
Bow and twist spacer Maxim 1% Maxim 0,5 %
Insulation resistance spacer Minim 0,5 MOhm Minim 2,0 MOhm
Continuity spacer Maxim 10 Ohms -
Ionic contamination spacer Max. 0,4 µg Eq. NaCl/cm² Max. 0,4 µg Eq. NaCl/cm²
For other features spacer See spec.
IPC-A-600 Rev K jul-20

Last update: 12-06-2023
Units: Milimeters

Trace / spacing width Trace/spacing width ±20% (½ oz )
±25% (1-2 oz )
±10% (½ oz )
±15% (1 - 2 oz)
Plated hole diameter Plated hole diameter +4 mil / -2 mil
(or equivalent)
+4 mil / -0,0 mil
±2 mil
Non plated hole diameter Non plated hole diameter +4 mil / -0,0 mil
(or equivalent)
±1.4 mil
(or equivalent)
Castellated plated holes Total thickness circuit.....................>= 0,02 mil
Cross annular ring.......... detall - A >= 0,02 mil
Minimum diameter..........detall - B >= 0,02 mil
Longitudinal annular...... detall - C >= 0,006 mil
Annular separation.........detall - D >= 0,006 mil
Edge separation..............detall - E >= 0,08 mil
Scoring to copper clearance Scoring to copper clearance Min. 40 mil. Min. 30 mil
Scoring positioning Scoring positioning ± 4 mil ± 3 mil
Scoring remaining thickness Scoring remaining thickness ± 4 mil
± 2 mil
Board size Board size ± 6 mil.
± 4 mil.
Total thickness tolerance Total thickness tolerance ±10 % ±5 %
Finished plated hole copper thickness Finished plated hole copper thickness Average: 0.7 oz
Minimum: 0.6 oz
Average: 1 oz
Minimum: 0.86 oz
Minimum wall between same net plated through holes Mínimum wall between same net plated through holes 12 mil. 10 mil.
Minimum wall between different net plated through holes Minimum wall between different net plated through holes 16 mil. 14 mil.
Minimum wall between non plated through holes Minimum wall between non plated through holes 10 mil. 8 mil.
Minimum annular ring non plated hole Minimum annular ring non plated hole 10 mil.
8 mil.
Track to non plated through hole minimum spacing Track to non plated through hole minimum spacing 8 mil. 6 mil.
Conductor to board edge
minimum spacing
Track to board edge minimum spacing 8 mil. 6 mil.
Offset between board edge and drill Offset between board edge and drill Max. 6 mil.
Max. 4 mil.
Offset between drill to outlayer pad Offset between drill to outlayer pad Max. 4 mil.
Max. 3 mil.
Soldermask feature tolerance Soldermask feature tolerance Max. 6 mil. Max. 3 mil.
Soldermask minimum Dam size on fiber Soldermask minimum Dam size SOLDERMASK GREEN COLOR
Damm 2,75mil if final copper thickness is 0.66÷2.12mil.
Damm 3,35mil if final copper thickness is 2.16÷3.35mil.
Damm 4,13mil if final copper thickness is 3.38÷6.10mil.
Damm 4,33mil if final copper thickness is 0.66÷2.12mil.
Damm 4,33mil if final copper thickness is 2.16÷3.35mil.
Other final copper thickness > 3.35mil, to consult.
Damm 3,15mil if final copper thickness is 0.66÷2.12mil.
Damm 3,75mil if final copper thickness is 2.16÷3.35mil.
Damm 4,13mil if final copper thickness is 3.38÷6.10mil.
Photoimageable soldermask clearance Photoimageable soldermask clearance 3 mil. 2.36 mil.
Silkscreened soldermask clearance Silkscreened soldermask clearance 8 mil. 6 mil.
Legend minimum line Legend minimum line 5 mil. 4 mil.
Conductive ink (graphite) overlapping Conductive ink (graphite) overlapping 8 mil.
5 mil.
Conductive ink (graphite) spacing Conductive ink (graphite) spacing 20 mil. 16 mil.
Conductive ink to pad spacing Conductive ink to pad spacing 16 mil. 12 mil.
Peel-off mask overlapping Peel-off mask overlapping 32 mil. 20 mil.
Peel-off mask to pad spacing Peel-off mask to pad spacing 40 mil. 28 mil.
Peel-off mask to board
edge spacing
Peel-off mask to board 
edge spacing 40 mil. 28 mil.
Maximum peel-off mask filled hole Maximum peel-off mask filled hole 71 mil. 79 mil.
Bow and twist spacer Maxim 1% Maxim 0,5 %
Insulation resistance spacer Minimum 0,5 MOhm Minimum 2,0 MOhm
Continuity spacer Maxim 10 Ohms -
Ionic contamination spacer Max. 1µg Eq. CINa/cm2 Max. 0,8 µg Eq. CINa/cm2
Other features spacer See spec.
IPC-A-600 Rev K jul-20

Last update: 12-06-2023
Units: Mils